Tuesday 3 September 2013

Ooooh, what's all this, then?

Hola, aloha, kon'nichi wa, salut, salaam alaikum, buon giorno, habari, and simply... HI!

Wow, I think I ran our of languages to say hello. I don't speak all those languages, I just like to say hi! It's probably the most important thing to say in most languages next to 'can you speak english?' and 'where's the loo?' Oh, and the swear words! Always best to know when someone is being rude. ^^

So, this is my optimistic beginning of a new blog! I am, at this precise moment, ignoring all of my alarm clocks telling me to go to bed in order to write this entry. Lets face it, the sooner I go to bed, the sooner I have to go to work. How utterly devastating! It's all well and good when you love your job, but when you are a civil servant sat in an office it is simply dire. Frankly I tire of gawking at the super spreadsheets of doom. If you look at them long enough, they tend to suck out your soul and replace it with cream cheese. This is why half the people in the office shuffle around like zombies, and I have no desire to join them in their apathetic stupor.

The thing you will notice about me most is probably that I am ever so easily distracted. I am the great procrastinator, a creature of whimsy! So you can imagine that I sometimes find it difficult to get things done in my little spare time. And yet, I love to sew and make pretty things, and especially costumes! One thing most people will tell you is that I seem to have little concept of time, and I'm inclined to agree! My hope is that by logging my processes in this blog and writing a plan of action for every project, that I'll garner some good, old-fashioned follow-through!

Well, with any luck, I won't get distracted by any shiny things and will actually update this blog at least once a week, as I've planned. I'm sure we'll have plenty to talk about... I mean, aside from crafts and sewing, I do lots of interesting things, and some for no apparent reason completely out of nowhere. Such as my current bright idea... I intend to learn Spanish, Japanese, and maybe Mirpuri! You know, for fun! Oh, and I want to hula hoop with fire. ^^

Anyway, I fear that bed time calls upon me like a siren lulling wayward sailors to their doom. Good night, my lovelies! Love, hugs, and pixie dust all the way!

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